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About this Game

This isn't your typical World of Darkness game. This game is about the people.... This is where you evolve into what you are going to be with no understanding or previous knowlegde to the world out there. While the rules may be from the World of Darkness setting. The actual setting its self is very different. 


To get an Idea about this game, it all starts with us being social media nerds. Bloggers. We come from various lots of life with one thing in common. We are Believers and Skeptics in the Supernatural, the Conspiracies, the unknown. To some extent we all question things, we are all Dean Winchester, Fox Mulder, and Jason Hawes. 


We all listen to a podcast, and follow a blog called Rapture Radio. Yes there is also music played from it, but about once a week Tom Durden, ( yes this is a Alias) Gets on and broadcasts with his co-host, discussing the supernatural and commong conspiracies. Often times debunking them then and there. Taking what the listen sends in and interacting with the blogers and listeners. You as a player do get to play into the blog feed and see the interaction online. You can bring whatever you find online and actually are encouraged to so.












Those things we can't debunk..... Well we go and investigate that ic. There is more to the game than this but that would be giving it away, and I want you to be surprised. You will find the blog on this sight and once you get a character feel free to post on the blog at will.


One of the benifits to this game is you don't always have to be at game, or roleplaying. All you have to do is read the blog and post as you want. Come to the games you want. I can run this with 2 or 25 people there during came. The more the merrier sure, but...You deside your level of involvement. No one gets left behind this way. Games may be monsters of the week, or may be over arching plot... thats for you to find out. Welcome to Rapture Radio, and Remember Real Monsters don't trend on Twitter.... What you see is all Illusions... The truth is out there.
















"We are but visitors on this rock, hurtling through time and space at 66,000 miles an hour. Tethered to a burning sphere by an invisible force in an unfathomable universe. This most of us take for granted, while refusing to believe these forces have any more effect on us than a butterfly beating it's wings halfway around the world." - Fox Mulder X-Files

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